Why you should get involved

Following are some of the reasons as to why you (School and Student) should participate in the Trafford Schools Open, and not miss this unique opportunity.

  1. Free to enter.
  2. Schools are able to promote the importance of the Arts as a mainstream subject
  3. Important tool to help raise the awareness of the Arts and the local creative talent
  4. Ability for the public to appreciate the artistic and creative skills of the students and schools.
  5. Opportunity for students to exhibit their work in a Gallery, open to the general public
  6. Students have the opportunity to view work from other school in Trafford and be inspired and influenced by the different methods of working which can relate to their own practice
  7. Students and Schools can gain valuable feedback on their work
  8. Networking opportunity for the Students
  9. Boost students confidence in the Arts and to prepare them for future exhibitions, should they continue in the Arts
  10. Personal Statement and CV enhancement, irrespective of the student continuing in the Arts
  11. School and Students Awards available
  12. School Award winner will be presented the opportunity to help with the promotion of the next Trafford Schools Open

Promoting the event through all forms of media, including online and social media websites, helps to generates a high interest in the show and in our experience the participates and visitors to the exhibition enjoy the experience.

This year we have expanded the entry to include students in their final year at GCE in the Arts, as we believe it may encourage them to study Art into further education. Depending on the feedback, this may become a regular feature of the Trafford Schools Open.

Volunteering and work experience opportunities are available to the students, during the Open and other exhibitions. If you are interested, please send an email to contact@artwithaheart.org.uk

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